How to Grow YouTube channel faster in 20

Here are the "5" master tips - to make your YouTube channel grow faster in 2020!!!

How to Grow YouTube channel faster in 2020
How to Grow YouTube channel faster in 2020

Hey guys, don't you want your YouTube channel to be popular too? Yes, every new YouTuber wants his YouTube channel to grow fast and become popular. After collecting many useful information, we have brought 5 Master Tips for you - How To Grow YouTube Channel -!

Talking about today's trend, almost everyone knows something about Technology and Internet! And today people belonging to them have become proud to become Blogger and YouTuber!

How To Grow YouTube Channel - Increase Views & Subscribers Fast

What we don't do to advance our YouTube Channel! We put videos of good and high quality! And more, to grow your YouTube Channel!

  • Do you want your YouTube Channel to grow quickly?
  • You do not want to see a lot of views on your channel?
  • Don't you want your 0 Subscriber in the millions too soon?
If you want to know all this? So this article has been written for you only! And you read it completely only then you will understand all the things!

YouTube is a huge platform. Create your identity by sharing your Opinion and Knowledge! And it is not easy to be popular on YouTube!

But it is not impossible to make a mark as a YouTuber! But it sure is tough!

How to Grow YouTube Channel - YouTube Guide 

We are also some of the new YouTubers in the logo! Who are growing fast by creating new YouTube channels!

If you follow our given tips of "How to Grow YouTube Channel"! Of course you too will be able to grow your YouTube Channel's Views and Subscribers very fast!

So let's know what those Master Tips are! Which will help your YouTube Channel grow quickly! And you will also become a successful YouTuber!

1. Video Content

If the YouTube Channel has to grow fast! So what is the content of your video, it does a lot of matter! That is why more attention needs to be paid to your video content!

It is important that you think before you create a YouTube channel! On which topic you want to create your YouTube channel!

Maybe you want to make related to Technology, Health, Sports or Traveling! So first of all you should choose the subject of your YouTube Channel!

Suppose, you have chosen the Topic of YouTube Channel and also created a YouTube Channel! But now comes the turn of thinking

And that is, where to bring the Idea of ​​Video Content for your YouTube Channel? Hey, just keep the patience! Bringing suggested video content to your channel is not a big deal!

Let us understand by an example:

Suppose you create a YouTube channel related to technology! So it is your duty to upload the video related to technology! Yes but the problem is how to rank that video on YouTube?

So for this you basically search the top 5 YouTubers of India related to the Topic of your channel. Then analyze their top videos uploaded.

After doing so, now you need to take Action. I mean that you have to upload videos related to the same top videos on your YouTube channel. So that whenever a user sees their video, your video is also visible to that user in the list of suggested videos below.

  • This increases the chances of getting views on your video. If you do this and see, this Idea will work.

2. Video Thumbnail

After completing the first step, this step is very important for you! It is very important to have a good video Thumbnail!

Let's assume you are an expert in Video Editing! And your communication skill is also very good! What I mean to say is that overall, you upload a great video to your YouTube channel!

But, your new users on YouTube know how your videos are powerful and useful! This is the factor where you need to pay a lot of attention!

To get the attention of any user on your video, your first weapon is your Video Thumbnail!

Do you want to have a good Thumbnail Design for your YouTube Videos? And you don't know how and where to make Eye Catching Thumbnail?

Basically you can try it on Canva [↑]! Which is absolutely free!

3. Upload & SEO

Whether you are blogging, or you are a YouTuber! SEO [4] (Search Engine Optimization) is a very powerful factor in both these fields! Be it your blog posts or your YouTube videos! SEO is very important in both these cases! This is the factor that boosts your videos or blog!

There are many new YouTubers who do not know about SEO! Yes, you must know what is the role of SEO! This greatly helps in increasing the views of your YouTube channel and your YouTube videos!

Let's kno Let's know some ways to make your YouTube videos SEO Friendly: 

we some ways to make your YouTube videos SEO Friendly:
Once again, SEO has topped the “Grow YouTube Channel”! That is why it is very important for you to have SEO Basic!

Most new YouTubers pay less attention to their Video Name, Video Title, Video Description and Video Par! Which is very important for SEO Optimize and Search Ranking Improve your videos!

Next, you will try to keep these things in mind:

  • You have to rename the name of the video you have to upload to the YouTube channel with the same name! The name you want to keep the title of your video! Only after doing so, upload that video!
  • Make sure to use your Target Keyword in the description and tag of your videos! If you do not know what a Keyword is, then you read it on Wikipedia [4]!
  • If you do this much, it will go a long way in the "Grow YouTube Channel"! Remember - SEO works as the backbone to increase your YouTube Channel Views!

4. Collaboration

Let's take a look back! That is to say, you created a YouTube channel! Then started uploading good videos in it! You have started strengthening your videos Thumbnail too! And finally know about SEO!

But, is it enough to grow your YouTube channel?

No, sir, that's not enough, sir! It is also important to connect to grow your YouTube channel! A collab of yours with any other YouTuber can give you lots of Views & Subscribers!

Perhaps you are wondering what is it like to do "Collaboration or Collab"?

  • I tell you its simple meaning - whoever youtuber introduces or interviews another youtuber on his / her channel, it is called Collaboration!
  • Yes, in the beginning it is not necessary that any YouTuber with whom you want to collab, and he will be ready to collab with you! At the moment you do not need to send a request to collab with any big YouTubers! Why there is more chance that he will feel like collabing with you!

5. Comment & Share

Responding to a user's comment indicates the engagement between you and that user! Doing this will make both your Viewers and Subscribers feel good! And a deep and positive bonding will form between you and them!

Do you know why a video goes very viral and in YouTube Tending?

The answer is very simple - Viral of any video or going to YouTube Trending List depends on the Likes and Comment of that video! The more Likes and comments, the more the video will be viral! Pay attention to the comment from further!

Sharing comes after commenting! If you go around here, what is the use of uploading YouTube Video? When that video reached anyone, right! So keep this in mind too!

Share more and more of your YouTube videos on Social Network Sites! For example create an account on all social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Pinterest! And share your videos with your friends!

How To Grow YouTube Channel - YouTube Channel Growth Tips

If you follow our stated tips i.e. “Grow YouTube Channel” correctly! So I am sure that your YouTube channel will start growing very fast! And your YouTube Channel Viewers and Subscribers will also be growing very soon!


There are many new YouTubers! Who might not know these Master Tips to Increase YouTube Channel Viewers and Subscribers quickly! According to our theme "Grow YouTube Channel", any new youtubers will follow it! So they can also be popular on YouTube!

So friends, how was the fastest and working way to do our Grow YouTube Channel today? Please tell us…

Friends, there are many people like you who want to become your Career on YouTube! So a help is made for them from your side! That is, share this post as much as possible and make it accessible to them!

If you have any question in your mind, comment and ask me… See you in the next post…

Thanks for reading. If you like this please share this article.


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