How to start Blogging in 2020 without any Coding. Blogging for the Begginers and

How to start blogging [with SBT Formula] Complete Guide 2020

By Chirag Sharma
How to start Blogging in 2020 without any Coding. Blogging for the Begginers
How to start Blogging in 2020 without any Coding. Blogging for the Begginers 

So friends, if you have made up your mind to know that Blogging Kaise Kare? So I will tell you that you have taken the best decision of your life.

Because in India alone, the number of Internet users is 370 millions (37 crores) and in the coming few weeks this number will be more than 500 million (50 crores).

In such a situation, it is the right group that you too can start earning money by starting your career online, because the group is coming to the DIgital world now….

If I talk about making money online….

One of the most popular ways to earn money online - Blogging!

You will not believe that today people are doing Blogging like a bussiness. If we talk about India, today bloggers from India like Harsh Agarwal, Amit Agarwal, Kulwant Negi and Ankit Sngla, are earning 20 to 25 lakh rupees per month from their blog.
You can also earn…

Yes, you too can earn a lot of money from blogging, but you have to be serious for this, you will have to do hardwork and keep full knowledge of blogging.

But do not panic…

These are many times easier and better than doing any job and the money in this is many times more than any job.

How to learn blogging?

Now you must be thinking that I have no knowledge of blogging at all, so how can I earn money? So in view of this, the StarBlogging website has been created so that you can be given complete and correct information of Blogging in Hindi language.

If you want to learn blogging by heart then only read this post carefully, else close the post now, because blogging is for hardworking people.

So let us now know what is blogging and how to start blogging….

What is blogging 
How to start Blogging in 2020 without any Coding. Blogging for the Begginers
How to start Blogging in 2020 without any Coding. Blogging for the Begginers 

Before knowing blogging kaise kare, you should know what the meaning of blogging is. For this, I have written a post, whose link I am giving you below.

What is meaning of blogging in hindi?

In this post I have mentioned Blogger, Blogging, Blog and Blog post. In full detail. Most bloggers start blogging, but very few people know its meaning.

Are you also among those people? : p

So, let's move towards the beginning of blogging …… ..

How to make career in Blogging

3 What is the purpose of your blogging
blogging tips hindi First of all, understand the purpose of your blogging, what do you want to do blogging for, are you doing blogging to earn money, or do you want to promote your business through blogging.

Or it could also be that you want to tell people about your specific information through blogging, or the blogging done by you will reveal your personal views.

Before starting a blog, we should find the answer to the questions of this way, what is the purpose of our blogging.

Are you going to do blogging for full time or part time, by the way you do full time or part time you have to put at least two to 3 posts in 1 week to rank your blog post.

No matter what platform we work on, we have to continue to work at that place only then we are able to succeed.

Blogging for beginners

6 There should be a little knowledge of CSS and HTML for blogging, if you do not know about them, then practice a little and your path will become easier in future.
By the way, blogging platforms have become very effective at the moment, now we use any theme, so we do not need coding, without learning coding we can customize any theme.

But still we should have a little knowledge of coding because sometimes it goes on need, if you want to become a professional blogger then it is better to take basic knowledge of CSS and html.

The advantage of this is that you can customize your blog as you want and if any error comes, you will be able to fix it by yourself, there will be no chance of going to any developer.

If you learn HTML and CSS well then later on you will be able to teach others by writing posts in your blog.

How to do Blogging. Blogging for begginers.

After starting blogging, pay more attention to the quality content. Don't think about money, when you work hard, money will come automatically.
We have to work only for the first 2 to 3 months, we have to pay attention to the keyword as well, only then our post will rank and at the same time it is also important to keep in mind that whatever we are writing, the other should benefit from it, the whole person reading Be satisfied with the way.

Before you start blogging, do research about the quality of your post, along with keyword research, quality content also plays an important role so that visitors to the site are waiting for your next post.

That is why content is king where content is king, you will be able to bring visitors to your site by writing many posts without paying attention to it, but once you come to your site, it will not want to come again.

Because your visitor gets quality content on your site, they will also subscribe to your blog and will also be waiting for your next post.

But if you keep writing anonymously, then what comes in this way will not last too long and then the bounce rate of your site will start increasing which will have a bad effect on your site ranking.

Blogging for beginners

6 There should be a little knowledge of CSS and HTML for blogging, if you do not know about them, then practice a little and your path will become easier in future.
By the way, blogging platforms have become very effective at the moment, now we use any theme, so we do not need coding, without learning coding we can customize any theme.

But still we should have a little knowledge of coding because sometimes it goes on need, if you want to become a professional blogger then it is better to take basic knowledge of CSS and html.

The advantage of this is that you can customize your blog as you want and if any error comes, you will be able to fix it by yourself, there will be no chance of going to any developer.

If you learn HTML and CSS well then later on you will be able to teach others by writing posts in your blog.

What do you mean by copyright in the field of Blogging. Blogging for begginers.

Do not copy 9 copyright policy
If you are going to copy other content in your blog then be careful because in today's time Google has become very smart and knows your every activity.

Violation of copyright rules will make Google exclude your site from search and then your blog post will never come in search.

You will be surprised wondering why your blog is not coming in search or why the traffic is decreasing, but it is penalized by Google from your site, in the crime of stealing other content.

How to protect your content from being stolen, if someone steals your content, how to find it, you should have information about all these things.

You research about every information related to blogger, collect information, the more you know about this area, the more you will get success.

By reading the methods mentioned by wordpress here, you can prevent your content from being stolen.


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